Zafrullah to Khaleda: Get connected with people

UNB, Dhaka :
Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury on Saturday suggested BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to get more involved with people and engage in talks with different opposition parties coming out of her ‘comfort zone’ to overcome the current ‘adverse’ situation.
Khaleda Zia should appoint a woman as her special assistant apart from Shimul Biswas who will go to her Gulshan residence by 8-9am every day to make arrangements for leaders and activists to meet their leader (Khaleda), he said.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, Around 10,000 BNP leaders and activists are still in jail. I would like to ask her (Khaleda) to talk to their mothers and wives and other family members. To change your party’s current situation, take to the streets and get involved with people coming out of your comfort zone.
Democracy and Development Studies Bangladesh arranged the programme at the seminar room of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, marking the publication of the fourth edition of a book titled ‘Jotirmoy Zia and Kalomegher Dal’ written by poet Abdul Hye Shikder.
Dr Zafrullah also suggested Khaleda to form a ‘combined opposition front’ together with major and small political parties. Healthy democratic practice is not possible without opposition parties in the country. The BNP chief should contact with all big and small opposition parties to launch a combined opposition front.
Otherwise, he warned, BNP will have to be there in the opposition’s role for a long time.
The pro-BNP professional also thinks BNP must realise its founder’s ideals, know people and hear others’ voice to go the driving seat overcoming the current situation.
He also suggested BNP to leave its egoism as a big political party and regularly keep in touch with other political parties.
Dr Zafrullah also said BNP leaders should consult their party’s advisers and intellectuals before giving any statement on important issues. Don’t judge yourselves as big scholars. Ziaur Rahman didn’t do that. He used to talk to people of different strata from the evening to 4am.
He also asked BNP not to hold frequent press briefings and issue statements without consultation with the party high command. Rizvi (BNP senior joint secretary general) gives statements every day without discussion with anyone. I would like to ask him you please don’t do it frequently… People don’t want only your indoor lectures.
The Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder was also critical of BNP for what he said not raising its voice against torture on Muslims in Kashmir and giving India various facilities in the name of transit sacrificing the country’s interests. want to tell BNP that it’ll never be able to return to power by showing affection for India. BNP should learn to call a spade a spade for the welfare of the nation.