Four short stories

Mahveen Rahman Zaahra :
Vampire legends
of Kislova

A few years ago, in Kistova many big houses and castles and rich people were there in Kislova all people danced and sing in the night of celebrating some party. One night a storm came and the wind was very fast and the trees are breaking the whole castles. All big houses and castles were bust. Rich people died and the blood was spread, but a dark shadow came of a woman her eyes are red and her hair was black and she was wearing a white dress, holding a rose. She has no legs and she was flying on the sky. When the king of America heard the bad news of Kislova he said to his agent that go and find out in Kislova and who was playing the tricks. The agent’s name was John and he said that he will go to Kislova. When John came to Kislova he saw that a house was lighting. He entered the house and see that a woman was lying down on the bad and there was a doctor. John asked the doctor that what happened to the woman. The doctor said that a Vampire cut her neck and such her blood and she is about to die when the agent came out of the house he saw many posters of the Vampire. A page came into the wind and it was written with bloods. It was written that I am going to kill the people of Kislova and I will suck there bloods. John saw a person was covered with a black look. John doesn’t know that it is a man or a woman. He said, excuse me who are you? No answer but he opened the —- saw a woman Vampire with angrily face. John was scared and he shoots with his gun but the Vampire was disappeared. He was looking around. He again saw the woman was carrying a death man. She was sucking the blood of the death man. He shooted again with his gun. But the Vampire escaped suddenly he saw a big black shadow was and a blood fell on his arm. His neck was hurting. They Vampire were sucking the blood and she was laughing loudly. John died. The Vampire was saying that ha, ha, ha! I killed all the rich people, now Kislova is mine now ha, ha, ho! In ten minutes the Vampires mouth tasted like a blue color. A doctor shoots with an injection. The Vampire was also died. The sky became bright and the sun was shining in the sky. But nobody knows what will happen to Kislova, only the doctor was alive and he was not a doctor of Kislova. He is the doctor of Canada.


Long ago, in a far away land, there was a girl whose name was Malificent. But the people called her Magnificent. She was very beautiful; her hair was black and silky and would shine in the sun.
There was a Prince who lived in his father’s castle. He was the king and died in1460. The Prince’s name was Charles. He loved Malificent and wanted to marry her. On February, she married Prince Charles. Soon, their children were born. They had two daughters called, Maria and Riana. Maria was born on March 26 and Riana was the second child, born on April 14. When their two daughters were grown up, they also get married.
One day, a war was coming to destroy the castle. When the day of the war came, the enemies killed Maria and Riana, and both their husbands as well. Malificent and Charles, they ran away to a jungle. One of the soldiers shot Charles with a sharp arrow. His arms started bleeding to death and slowly, his eyes were closed. Malificent started crying and screamed, “My Charles! My Charles! Why did you kill him?”
She made a house on the tree. The animals from the jungle recognised her. They shouted, “This is Magnificent!” Soon, Magnificent became the queen of the jungle. She asked the animals that they should kill the enemies and destroy their houses. When another war came, she was ready with her animals and shouted, “Go!”
Magnificent fought bravely with her sword. The animals died and magnificent was the only one left in the war. She killed everyone but then suddenly, a man shot her with an arrow and she died. She was buried in the jungle and everyone started crying and said, “Our queen Magnificent has died! Oh Magnificent!”
She died on September 28, 1512. The people never forgot their kind queen, Magnificent.

Two Great Detectives


One May 15, a woman was murdered at the Subway Station and her name was Jennifer. When the Chief Police Officer of Grimsbrough heard the bad news he called his two detectives. Their names were Jones and Christine. The Chief Police Officer asked the detectives to go to the Subway Station right now! They went to the Subway Station and saw the victim and a knife with blood on it. The Police Officers carried the victim’s body and the knife. They took those things to the analyzing room. The man who analyzed those things, his name was Nathan. When he finished the analyzing he told Christine that she was killed with the knife and the killer slashed her neck. And congratulations you have found your murder weapon! Christine said to Jones that they should check again at the station. They found a card. It was written Thomas Grey. Jones called Thomas and asked him many questions. They asked “Jennifer knows you? Yes I am his boy friend.” “OK! When did you last meet her? Last day, I met her at the Subway Station. “Thanks for giving us the information, you can go now. Christine was not there but when she came back she said to Jones, “I know a girl who is Jennifer’s friend and her name is Lucy. They called Lucy and asked her,” When did you last see her? “I know when I last met her but why are you asking me like that?” “Because Jennifer died. When did she die? She died yesterday. Now tell us when did you last meet her? “Last I met her at the Subway Station. But when I was gone, I heard a shot voice and a shadow of a man. “OK! You can go now. So can we arrest the killer now Jones? “Yes let’s do it! They checked that their killer is a man. They understood that the killer is Thomas. Why did you kill her Thomas! I killed her because she betrayed me and stole all my money! Now take me to the prison. The lawyer said that he will stay for fourteen years in the jail. They arrested the killer and they were awarded thirty thousand dollars.

The Death of the Queen

On December 14, there was a Royal Palace. There was also a queen whose name is Maria Gomes. She was the queen of England. One day she have to go somewhere with her daughter Melissa Gomes. They have to go another town where the poor people lived. When they reached the town it was raining heavily. The Carriage’s wheels were slipped and it was broken. The Carriage fell over the ground and Maria and her daughter Melissa are dead. They were buried. In the morning a man was walking beside the graveyard, he saw that from a person’s buried body was flying a ghost. The man was scared and he hides at the back of a tree. The ghost saw the man was hiding at the back of the tree. When the ghost said to the man that excuse me can you look at me. The man turned around and saw the ghost, the ghost have green eyes and was black. You are finished! And the ghost killed the man. At night 8’o clock it was raining heavily and there was an old house. There was the ghost. The ghost was killing a woman with a sharp knife. Bloods were spited but the ghost was licking the deep red bloods. When the ghost heard something that someone is coming. When the person came the person was hearing something. It was saying that, bloody Mary! Bloody Mary! And bloody Mary! The person was a girl and her name was Riana. She was little nervous. She has a knife with her and was saying, who you are! Come and show your ugly face idiot! When the ghost hears that she said idiot the ghost became very, very, very angry. The ghost shows her real face at it was scary and ugly. The ghost and you will go to the grave! Riana threw her knife at the ghost. The knife go into the ghost’s face and screamed ohh, ahhr you are not gonna kill me. The ghost disappeared. So, the polices came and they said thanks to Riana. The body of ghost was fired at it will never ever come back again. n

(Mahveen Rahman Zaahra is student of Class III, St Francis Xavier’s Green Herald International School)
