Five HuT-men arrested


Staff Reporter :
Five active members of banned radical Islamist outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir have been arrested by Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in the city’ Mirpur.
The arrested men are Tarek Mohammad Faysal, 30, Tanvir Ahmed, 21, Mostofa Morsalin Prangon, 22, James Nur Reza alias Nabin, 26, and Farabi Khan Anik, 21. RAB-4 Commanding Officer (CO) Chowdhury Monjurul Kabir said this a press briefing at RAB’s media centre in Karwan Bazar on Sunday.
According to him, a tip-off, a RAB-4 team conducted a day-long raid in Mirpur’s Prerebagh area on Saturday night and arrested the five suspects.
“We also recovered leaflets and books promoting extremism created by the fundamentalist group-as well as pen drives and laptops from their possession,” he said.
He also claimed that the suspects are currently undergoing initial interrogation and that they are active members of banned radical Islamist outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir.
“They are spreading anti-government sentiments, and RAB will take legal action against them,” the CO said.
A case was filed with the Police Station in this connection.
