Holy Ramzan: Fitra obligatory

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
The Arabic word ‘fitr’ means ‘to break’. ‘Sadaqatul Fitr’ is the charity paid at the time of breaking of fasting. It marks the end of Ramzan. It is given to the poor and the needy on the occasion of Holy ‘Eid-uI-Fitr–meaning ‘Eid of Fitr.’ The Sadaqah, popularly known as ‘Fitra’ is obligatory for any person
who is matured, conscious, sane and financially able at the sunset on the last of Ramzan. Fitra is to be paid for a person and his dependants.
Fitra means of practical sympathy, a symbolic co-operation to the poor and the needy to enable them to participate in joys of Eid festival. The Holy Quran and the Sunnah proclaim the right of the poor in the wealth of the rich. The Fitra is also that right due to them. It reminds us of our social responsibility and economic obligation to the destitute. Rasulullah (Sm) said. “Make such charity in the Day of Eid so that the poor people become rich and there remains no need for them to seek alms from anyone,” (Abu Daud Sharif)
Hazrat Ibne Saad (Ra) said, “Rasulullah (Sm) directed us to pay Fitra before Jakat was commended to be obligatory. After that, Jakat was ordained as Farz (obligatory),” (Musnad-e-Ahmad, Sunan-e-Nasayee, Sunan-e-Ibne Mazah and Mustadrake Hakim) Fitra is also a kind of Jakat.
The aim of giving Fitra according to Hadith is to arrange for the food of the miskin.
Rasulullah (Sm) described the ‘Sadaqatul Fitr’ as ‘Kaffarah’ of the faults/deficiencies of fasting.
According to ‘Hidaya’, the person who has more than the capacity of managing foods for him and his family for the Eid day, should have to pay Fitra. Rasulullah (Sm) directed about Fitra in the word : “Pay.” So it may be taken as Wajib (next to Farz” –obligation).
According to Imam Abu Hanifa (R) it is ‘Wajib.’ while Imam Shafi (R) and Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal (R) took it as ‘Farz’ and Imam Malik (R) as ‘Sunnat-e-Muakkadah’ (next to Wajib).
The Fitra must be paid or at least set aside before one offers the Eid prayers.
Ibne Umar (Ra) narrated : “Rasulullah (Sm) has directed us to pay the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr before going out to offer for Eid prayer. “(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizy, Nasayee and Abu Daud Sharif)
“Fitra of a person, given before the Eid prayer, will be accepted by Allah, as ‘Sadaqatul Wajib’ (due) and Fitra given by a person after the Eid prayer, will be taken as his general charity.” (Abu Daud and Ibne Maza Sharif). This Hadith speaks of the social significance and aim of ‘Sadaqatul Fitr.’ It is a help through which Allah wants the participation of the insolvent persons in the celebration of Holy Eid festival.
It should be given to such poor people, whose income or cash in hand is not enough to meet his/her family expenses. It is to be paid to a needy, who is helpless and indigent.
Fitra was introduced as a compulsory charity, two days before Eid-ul-Fitr, in the second Hijri.
It is to be paid at a fixed rate (1.34kg of wheat) subject to price variation of wheat.
Fitra is obligatory on every person, who is Saheb-e-Nisab. The low income people, who are not solvent, should also pay this minor compulsory charity.