Entrepreneur Helena Jahangir stresses on human rights

Poverty, unemployment, crime, corruption, lack of security are major problems of Bangladesh, which is hindering economic growth

Economic Reporter :
Renowned entrepreneur of the country has underscored the need for ensuring social justice and human rights for all with a view to making a peaceful nation.
Sister Helen (full name is Helena Jahangir) is trying to sort out the social problems of the country. She is also trying to seek the remedies from the social difficulties.
According to her, Bangladesh is attacked by various social problems. She said, when we can provide social justice then human rights will be going on in full swing in Bangladesh.
As the woman was as the voice of justice and reason, over the course of a year, discussed the unique role of the country’s name has been honored for the inspirational sister Helen. Now she is
receiving crest by a few of British Parliamentarians and well known local and foreign organizations.
As a scholarly research shows, “The constitution of Bangladesh guarantees all the major internationally recognized human rights and assures good governance, incorporated in its fundamental principles of state policy and fundamental rights. However, the same constitution negates these rights through adoption of numerous antidemocratic stipulations.”
Sociologists usually consider a social problem to be an alleged situation that is incompatible with the values of a significant number of people who agree that action is needed to alter the situation.
Sister Helen mentioned recently that the main problems are over population, poverty, unemployment, crime, juvenile delinquency, corruption, lack of nutrition, prostitution, beggary and vagabond problem, dowry and women repression, lack of proper distribution of wealth, divorce, mental illness, mentally disability problem, lack of security, drug addition, lack of sound health, etc.
At idealist, we’ve been working closely nonprofits for many years to help them find passionate and talented employees, volunteers, and interns who want to change the world. However, over the past few years, we’ve seen an explosion of different kinds of person working social change. Sister Helen of Bangladesh doing well. Now, she is an example in present world.
Last year, Sampan, who participated in the evaluation of Prohibition to new levels of inspiration, that there has been honored, Sister Helen and the two other women and business women delegation of Post and Telecommunications Minister Tarana Halim, Selima Ahmed, who left after the award has her own. She took the honor chairman of Ain O Salish Kendra From Hamida Hossain. Ex election commissioner Brig. Gen( retd) M sakhwat Hossain also attended there.
In 22 August on Dhaka Reporters Unity Sagor Runi hall, Sampan which is research Organization initiative and the weekly paper Saptahik Kagoj arrenged “abused women; Empowerment is a long way …” The discussion will be held.
There are renown intellectuals in this country took part in the discussion at this meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Jabber hossain, who is editor of the weekly paper Saptahik Kagoj.
Habibur Rahman at the meeting, a social scientist,. Nazrul Kabir journalist, Mustafiz Shafi, executive editor of somokal, , Hosne Ara Idris academics, Mass Media person Abdun Noor Tushar, Former Election Commissioner Brig. Gen( retd) M sakhwat Hossain and Chairman of Ain O Salish Kendra as chief guest and Dr. Hamida Hossain as guests there.