Development Of Rationality

Person With Rational Bent Of Mind Should Get Priority


Sujayendra Das :
Rationality is one of the basic ingredients of our life. This is applicable all around the globe. The logic behind accepting rationality indicates that as our life cycle becomes complex that is why it is advisable to accept rationality in our lives so that there should not arise any friction between human beings rather peace and tranquil atmosphere should exist among all human beings. This feeling of being rational is equally relevant in India, Bangladesh and all over South Asian region. This is because as there have been sea changes taking place all around the globe same way it is equally relevant in both India and Bangladesh.
India and Bangladesh are two vital members of South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). It is in both the above stated nations development activities are taking place amidst the spirit of camaraderie and fraternity so also citizens of both nations should accept the development from rational standpoint rather just grumbling on any mild or tough issues. So for the benefit of many of my online ignorant readers in both India and Bangladesh rationality or rational bent of mind should be taken as spirit of our lives. Thus in the subsequent paragraph let me humbly state what actually the term, ‘Rationality or rational bent of mind’ means to the common citizens. Also the impact of rationality in today’s scenarios is also stated herewith.
What is meant by rationality and its impact in today’s scenarios?
The term rationality is meant as ability to analyse any given situation with proper reasoning without any sorts of scuffling among human beings. It is equally relevant in our social, familial, professional, cultural, and political as well as in corporate milieus. In today’s social and political setup in both India and Bangladesh we find that person with rational bent of mind should be given top priorities. Though all of us should maintain absolute transparency but there should not be any irrational behaviour being exposed by one person upon others rather we should develop the art of adjustability so that all of us live in utter peace and calumny. Thus for the betterment of societies in both India and Bangladesh it is high time for the citizens of both nations to develop rational feeling upon others. So its impact cannot be underrated rather it should be paid due importance with the passing away of time and space in our lives.
Advantages of rationality:
There are various advantages being associated being rational of which some of the common ones are stated as follow:
Human beings of rational bent of mind always keep us on the safe zone.
Person of rational bent of mind are not harmed by any unscrupulous persons or any wicked person.
Rational minded people are always emerged victor in today’s complex societies.
Person who are of rational bent of mind are always emerged victor.
In the business or trading circles of India and other countries of South Asia person with rational bent of mind are always on the upper edge.
Counselling psychologists view about rationality:
Practicing counselling psychologists based all over India and Bangladesh along with rest of South Asian countries always advises the citizens to have rational thought in their mind and heart. They always opine that whenever any unwarranted situation occurs in front of us we must face that vehemently then our real life joy and mirth is achievable in order to take stock of those given situations. That is why person with complex bent of mind should consult with practicing counselling psychologists so that we can ingrain feeling of rationality in our mind and heart.
Now due to complex situations all around the globe similar situations are also noticeable all over South Asian continent. It is our task to be rational then only we may attain peace and tranquility in our lives. Despite development spree noticeable all over South Asian continent those who are of irrational temperament they are always kept in the bay due to their irrational attitude. This has to be given importance in today’s civil societies when we witness development all over.
Summing up the above stated views one point will surmise our mind that rationality in today’s fast and innovative world cannot be ignored at all rather we should equip ourselves in such a manner so that our progress in respective professions cannot be retarded back.

(Sujayendra Das, writes from Kolkata, India)
