CU female students protest water crisis


CU Correspondent :

The female students of Chittagong University has gone on demonstration on Monday night protesting the water crisis, deeply stuck them for last five days.
Around five hundred female students from three residential halls took part in the demonstration as the water supply has been totally halted for last five days to the female dormitories, which brings worst sufferings to them.
The agitating students also put the main entrance of the university under key and lock at 8.00 pm and stayed a sit-in-program for over two hours, which hampers transport operation to the campus-city route. Meanwhile, many campus-bound bus, CNGs were struck off at two sides of the entrance.
Eyewitness said, the female students of Preetilata hall brought out a procession, demanding the immediate water supply to the female dorms, followed by them other residential female students from Deshonetri Khaleda Zia hall and Shamsunnahar hall joined the procession.
Erana Parveen, a protesting student and a residential student of Priteelota Hall said, we are suffering worst as the water supply has been halted for last five days, adding that there is not found even drinking water properly.
Other agitating students claimed, the provosts didn’t take any steps to solve the crisis even if they were informed frequently.
Meanwhile, the engineering office said that the water supply has been hampered as the low voltage of electricity and the alternative way is being searched for supplying water to the dorms.
Admitting the water crisis, Proctor Ali Azgor Chowhdury said the water supply to the female dorms was halted due to the low voltage of electricity and it would be mitigated soon, adding the engineering office is trying to solve the crisis.
