CSCR management blamed for wrong new born baby dianosis


A Chittagong :

The report of the investigation committee formed to investigate the incident of declaring dead a new born baby at a private hospital in Chittagong, has blamed the hospital management for the incident.
The report was submitted on Monday and it was sent to the Director General of Health Department Dr Abul Kalam Azad, according to sources. Civil Surgeon of Chittagong Dr Azizur Rahman, however, declined to disclose any thing about the report. But, sources in the investigation committee said that the report blamed the authority and management of CSCR, a private hospital in Chittagong for the occurrence.
The report also blamed the physicians concerned including the gynecologist in this regard. Dr Azizur Rahman only said, “After talking to the Director General of Health Dr Abul Kalam Azad, I have sealed the report and sent it to him.” It may be mentioned that CSCR declared a child dead immediate after delivery on October 3. As per directives of the DG of Health department , the Civil Surgeon of Chittagong took the initiative to investigate the incident. Office of Civil Surgeon formed a three-member committee led by child specialist Dr Shaha Alam to investigate the incident. The rest two members of the committee are Deputy Civil Surgeon of Chittagong Dr Ajoy Kumar Dey and Shahedul Islam. The committee was asked to submit the report in this regard within three days. However, the committee submitted the report and the civil surgeon sent it to the DG of Health Department.
The CSCR authority issued death certificate of the new born baby while the mother of the baby Dr Ridwana Kaosar confirmed that her child is alive. Later, the baby is proved alive at another hospital in the city. Sources said, the mother of the baby Dr Ridwana Kaosar was admitted to CSCR hospital under the treatment of Dr Shahana Akter.
After delivery, she heard that her child is alive. But, denying the directives of Dr Shahana Akter to provide the baby ICU treatment, the CSCR authority declared the baby dead and issued death certificate.
