Fare three to four times higher: CNGs on high demand at Shimulia ferry Ghat


Syed Shemul Parvez :
Due to the transport crisis, most of the Dhaka bound passengers arriving at Shimulia Ghat on ferries from South Bengal had to reach their destinations by CNG run small vehicles.
On this occasion, there were allegations of charging three to four times more fare on every route from Shimulia to Dhaka, Narayanganj and Munshiganj districts. On Monday, such a picture was seen all day long at Shimulia Ghat.
Going to the spot, it was seen that the drivers were waiting in rows with auto-rickshaws run by CNG in front of each of the ferries at Shimulia. After leaving Banglabazar and anchoring the ferry at Shimulia Ghat, the passengers reached their destination Dhaka by various small vehicles.
The passengers heading towards Dhaka were boarding these small vehicles at the ghat.
On this occasion, five passengers were seen in each CNG run small vehicles.
Hygiene in these vehicles was ignored, extra fare was collected and there was no second option than to pay.
 According to passengers and local sources, regular fares from Shimulia Ghat to Dhaka Golistan are Tk 150 per person.
But now, passengers have to pay three to four times more fare.
At present, passengers had to pay Tk 400 to 500 from Shimulia Ghat to Postagola, Nayabazar and Gulistan.
A passenger named Rafiqul Islam said, ‘I had to visit my relative who is now under treatment in a city hospital. But I paid Tk 400 instead of Tk only 150 from Mawa to Dhaka route.
Many poor people generally visit Dhaka for better treatment. But nowadays they are victims, he added.
Another passenger named Asma Akter said, ‘I have to return to work after Eid holyday. If we do not work, how will we survive?
Earlier, I had to go to village ignoring misery. We still have to pay more fare right now, she added.
But, the CNG drivers denied the charges.
Azizul Haque, a CNG driver of the Nayabazar route, said, “I generally get passengers there.” But we come empty. So if we don’t take more fare, we can’t suit our target.
Mawa traffic police and Louhjong upazila administration were contacted on Phone, but no response was given.
Meanwhile, Dhaka-bound passengers were under pressure on every ferry coming from Banglabazar to Shimulia Ghat since Monday morning.
According to the BIWTC Shimulia Ghat Authority, 18 ferries are operating on this route on Monday.
