Clear Tuba Gr workers’ arrear salary: SGSF

Sammilita Garments Sramik Federation held demonstrations on Wednesday in the city demanding payment of arrear salary of Tuba Group workers immediately.
Sammilita Garments Sramik Federation held demonstrations on Wednesday in the city demanding payment of arrear salary of Tuba Group workers immediately.
UNB, Dhaka :
Garment workers on Wednesday demanded that the back pay and allowances of the workers of five Tuba Group factories be paid before Eid-ul-Azha and the RMG units be reopened.
The demands were made from a rally held under the banner of Sammilita Garments Sramik Federation (SGSF) in front of the Jatiya Press Club.
Speaking on the occasion, federation president Nazma Akhter urged the government and BGMEA to take immediate steps to clear the dues and allowances of the Tuba garment factories, threatening to launch a movement.The federation leaders also demanded cancellation of bail granted to Tuba Group owner Delwar Hossain and his capital punishment.
After the rally, the garment workers brought out a procession.