Chinese govt should supply a large number of hospital beds to be helpful

It is reported that Chinese president Xi Jinping on Wednesday called Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and proposed sending an expert team to help Bangladesh combat the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The Chinese president assured Sheikh Hasina that his country would continue support for Bangladesh’s economic development.
Because of the crisis we facing because of the killer coronavirus we, on our part, congratulate President Jinping for offering to help us to cope with corona treatment. Though we welcome the offer to send experts, but our more urgent need is to equip the hospitals for the treatment of pandemic patients. China was very generous in providing all sorts of special assistance for the people of Italy. We also expected for our close relationship with China that necessary medical cooperation would come forth sooner.
If we dont have an adequate number of beds or oxygen or ventilators then no amount of other supplies like face masks or PPEs will help resolve the problem. So China can think of giving us these essential supplies, alongwith face masks and Covid-19 detection kits.
But we shall emphasise that if other equipment are not available we would like to have as priority the duly equipped hospital beds for corona patients. It is known to all that within the shortest possible time the government of China built fully equipped hospitals to fight the corona related diseases.
Our hope is that President Xi Jinping shall be able to send us a large number of beds we need desperately. Our expectation is two thousand such beds will be supplied urgently because the situation is really bad. We have lost many doctors, nurses, police and army men. The number of affected people are rising alarmingly.