China media: BRICS summit


BBC Online :
Media discuss China-Latin America ties as President Xi Jinping visits Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba.
 Xi will attend the BRICS Summit between 15 and 17 July in Brazil before visiting other countries.
The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are seen by experts as an economic counterweight to the Western countries.
An article in the Beijing Youth Daily states that the group of these emerging countries is “entering into a new phase”.
“The co-operation does not mean that the BRICS are forming another system in global economy to go against the West. It [BRICS] does not challenge the hegemony of the West, but wants to build an independent system – one that is helpful in constructing a new political world order,” it says.
Noting Washington’s “unease” over China’s closer relations with Latin American nations, state-run China Net website notes that the US influence in the region has been on a “decline for a long time”.
“The US has no time for Latin America because it is usually busy in the Middle-East, Asia Pacific and Europe. Although Washington wishes to win over the countries in the region, its influence is lacking because of China’s co-operative projects which are for development purposes only and do not carry ideological factors,” it says.
The Xinhua News agency believes some Western media outlets are “biased against developing countries” and have negative views about Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
