China holds out hope for Iran nuclear deal

AP, Vienna :
Talks on Iran’s nuclear program appear likely to run beyond their Monday midnight deadline, but China’s foreign minister says negotiators are still working on elements of a deal.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif agreed Sunday to start discussion on continuing the talks past the target date But Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says negotiators are still having “consultations” on a final agreement that meets both U.S. demands for strict curbs on Tehran’s nuclear program and Iran’s push for sanctions relief.
Wang arrived Monday, joining the foreign ministers of the other countries negotiating with Iran – the U.S., Russia, Britain, France and Germany.
Meanwhile, China has defended its land reclamation in a disputed area of the South China Sea and says it is for public service use, although a London-based security group says the new island could host an airfield to intimidate neighbors.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Monday at a regular briefing that China has “indisputable sovereignty” over the Spratly Islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei.