Girl violated: Case filed against staff in Bagerhhat

Bagrhat Correspondent :
A case was filed in a court of Bagerhat against one Imran Morol, bearer (peon) of Baraipara High School within Baraipara Union Parishad under Sadar Upazila in Bagerhat by a girl student of Class-IX of the same school u/s 9 (1) of Anti Women and Children Repression Act of 200 (amended in the year 2003) on the charge of committing rape on her forcibly recently.
In the case it is stated that on October 23 (afternoon) just after the classes were over accused peon Imran Morol requested the girl to stay in the school for an urgent piece of business. Accordingly she stayed in the school till all the students and teachers left the school. Then the debauched peon of the school took her to the 1st floor of the school building where he committed rape on her forcibly. But the girl did not make any hue and cry for fear of public disgrace. Later the girl disclosed the matter to her guardians. On the following day (October 24) the victim girl lodged a written complaint to the headmaster against the peon (bearer). The victim girl also informed the UP Chairman of Baraipara who is also the president of the School Managing Committed of matter. But the headmaster tried to kill time in the plea of arbitration. But on November 24 (after long after long 25 days) the headmaster told the victim, the matter is out of his jurisdiction. But by this time the matter was leaked out and consequently, she cannot come out of her house for fear of public disgrace. Finding no other alternative then the victim registered a case with the court. It was also stated in the case that after 4 days of her birth her mother died and since then she has been living in the residence of her maternal aunty.
When contacted Mahatab Uddin, Officer-in-charge of Bagerhat Model PS told the newsmen, I have heard the matter through the public. But I am not aware of the case filed in the court in this connection.
