BUP’s seminar for professionals held


Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) organized a workshop on “Thesis Writing Procedure and Presenting Research Seminar” on Saturday.
Researchers of MPhil and PhD Program who have completed their course work and those undergoing the same attended the workshop.
Vice-Chancellor of the university Maj Gen. Sheikh Mamun Khaled and Pro-VC Prof. Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BTFO were present as the chief guest and special guest respectively.
Prof. Dr. Khawaja Muhammed Sultanul Aziz, Secretary, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences; Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid, Dept. of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka; and Prof. Dr. Shuchita Sharmin, Dept. of Development Studies, University of Dhaka were the key note speakers.
