Bumper production of watermelon recorded in Panchagarh

Panchagarh, correspondent :
Bumper production of watermelon has been recorded in Panchagarh district and the growers are also happy with the price of the product.
Favourable climate was the reason underlying the bumper production this year.
District Agriculture Extension Department (AED) sources said, about 400 hectares were brought under watermelon cultivation in the district this year.
Highest amount of watermelon grew in Debiganj upazila of the district.
About 250 hectares of land were brought under watermelon cultivation.
Sources said, the growers spent Tk. 25,000 to Tk. 35,000 for growing water melon on one acre of land and earned Tk. 1.20 lakh to Tk. 1.50 lakh.