British spy surveillance prevents terror attacks

PTI, London :
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday said the mass collection of private data by the security services is “vital” for public safety after a report found that UK’s spy services should continue to be allowed access to bulk surveillance data to prevent terrorist attacks.
The ‘Bulk Powers Review’ conducted by the UK’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation concluded that there is no viable alternative to the current process of harvesting large amounts of data from emails and other sources.
“The review team was given information which demonstrated that there was no viable alternative method by which these individuals (terrorist suspects) could have been identified,” said David Anderson, a legal professional who led the review.
It had been ordered as part of the Investigatory Powers Bill, which will give Britain’s security services – GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 – wider powers to hold bulk data.
“I am grateful to David Anderson for this report, which follows a detailed and thorough review in which the government has provided unfettered and unprecedented access to the most sensitive information about our Security and Intelligence Agencies’ capabilities,” said May, who had ordered the review when she was UK Home Secretary.