BNP sees basic change in global political trend


UNB, Dhaka :Observing there has been a basic change in global political trend, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday said their party should also now take the right line of action to realise their demand and restore democracy.”Now we can’t hold any rally and meeting without permission. Now democracy is functioning with permission. This situation is not only prevailing in Bangladesh, but all over the world as there has been a change in global politics. That’s why now people talk less about democracy,” he said.Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader further said, “We must now cope with the changed global situation by bringing changes in our thinking, activities and programmes.”Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal arranged the programme at Bhashani Auditorium at the city’s Nayapaltan registering its protest against 1/11 political changeover in 2007.Fakhrul said, the country is now under the grip of fascist and autocratic regime. “But we’ve to free our country from it. We know its how much tough to fight against a despotic regime…we have to properly realise the situation and take the right step to force this fascist regime to restore democracy, people’s rights and hold an election under a neutral government.”Mentioning that everything of the world is now in people’s hand for expansion of information technology, especially mobile, he asked his party colleagues to use mobile phone and ICT to spread information about the government’s misdeeds, failure and corruption and mobilise public support.Fakhrul alleged that there is an anarchic situation everywhere and in every sector as the government has snatched people’s all rights and freedoms. “Now teachers obedient to them (govt) are on the movement while 26 cadres also threatened to go on movement.”The BNP acting secretarygeneral alleged that the ruling party men are indulging in widespread corruption and plundering public money in the name of development.About the 1/11 changeover, he said a vested local and international quarters with the help of a group of army occupied power on this day in 2007 in a bid to destroy constitutional governance system and politics.He regretted that the country’s major political party Awami League and the judiciary legitimised the activities of the 1/11 administration.
