Adaptable to climate change: Bills to set up research instt for wheat, maize

Staff Reporter :
The Cabinet on Monday approved the draft of ‘The Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute Bill, 2016’ seeking to formulate policies for the development and production of wheat and maize and implement those.
The government has been getting return of emphasising paddy production as the country produces surplus rice.In light of this policy now emphasis is given on wheat and maize production.
The approval came from the regular weekly meeting of the Cabinet held at Bangladesh Secretariat with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Briefing reporters after the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam said the Institute will also formulate an action plan for itself to set up a research laboratory, farms and infrastructures with modern facilities to boost wheat and maize production in the country.
Besides, the Institute would collect and preserve Germ Plasm as well as provide
necessary information to farmers to produce wheat and maize efficiently and impart them proper training, he added.
The Cabinet Secretary said the Institute will also play role in facing the adverse impacts of climate change on production of wheat and maize as well as protecting the intellectual property rights of those.
About the administrative structure of the Institute, Shafiul Alam said, there would be a Board headed by Chairman.
He said the Cabinet also endorsed the draft of ‘The Bangladesh Jute Research Institute Bill, 2016’ aiming to enhance the capacity of the institute alongside streamlining its research activities.
Shafiul Alam said the Jute Research Institute will formulate and approve detailed outlines to ensure stable research and conduct necessary research, development and production of jute addressing the adverse impacts of climate change.
He said it will take initiatives to innovate new varieties of crops, including those adaptable to climate change, and apply ICT in the agriculture sector, providing necessary information and technology to farmers.
The Institute will also arrange exhibitions on new varieties of crops, publish annual reports and booklets on new crops, and provide necessary training to researchers, officials and employees of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) as well as facilitate Postgraduate research, he said.
According to the final draft law, the Institute will be run by a Board, the Cabinet Secretary said adding that the Director General of the Institute to be appointed by the government will act as the Chairman of the Board. The Cabinet also approved a proposal for ratifying the D-8 Charter by Bangladesh.