Bicycles distributed among 43 female students in Panchagarh

RANGPUR: Shalbahan Union Parishad distributed bicycles among 43 talented poor and meritorious female students of eight secondary level schools of the union under Tentulia Upazila in Panchagarh on Thursday.
RANGPUR: Shalbahan Union Parishad distributed bicycles among 43 talented poor and meritorious female students of eight secondary level schools of the union under Tentulia Upazila in Panchagarh on Thursday.
BSS, Rangpur :
Shalbahan union parishad distributed bicycles among 43 talented poor and meritorious female students of eight secondary level schools of the union under Tentulia upazila of Panchagarh on Thursday.
Under the Local Government Support Project (LGSP-2), the union parishad also distributed school bags among 156 minor students of 16 primary schools at the union parishad office premises.
Tentulia Upazila Chairman Rezaul Karim distributed the bicycles and
school bags as the chief guest with Chairman of Shalbahan Union Parishad Fazlur Rahman in the chair.
Tentulia Upazila Nirbahi Officer Saniul Ferdous, Upazila Secondary
Education Officer Mossarraf Hossain, Upazila Primary Education Officer Yunus Ali, Upazila Awami League President Yasin Ali Mandal and its General Secretary Mahmudur Rahman were present as special guests.
After receiving bicycles, the female students thanked Shalbahan union
parisahd authority saying that the bicycles would help them to go to schools and return homes without transport costs.
Bicycle recipient seven grade student of Shalbahan Girls School Swapna Akhter hailing from Lohakuchi village said that it was very hard to go to her school situated three-kilometre off from her home.
“It becomes difficult for my father, who is a marginal farmer, to
provide me with money for coming to school and going back home daily by rickshaws, van-carts or auto rickshaws. Now, I can go to school by bicycle regularly,” said Swapna.
Seven grade student of Boalmari High School Abeda Sultana said that it was very difficult for her poor father to bear daily transports costs as her school is four-kilometre away from her village Kazigoachh.
“Now, I can regularly go to school riding on my own bicycle to continue my studies,” said Abeda who wanted to be a physician after completing her education to serve the suffering humanity of her backward rural area.
Shalbahan Union Chairman Fazlur Rahman said that his Union Parisahd
would continue to assist the poor and meritorious female students to assist them in continuing studies to flourish their latent talents in becoming worthy citizens.
