Commentary: Before investment, our educated people should ask what a country we have built

Editorial Desk :
Some suggest that Bangladesh should be creating opportunities for Japanese investments. Their reasoning is the Japanese companies are anxious to relocate their investments from China. It may be true because tension growing in their relationship with China. China is a harsh dictatorship. There is no rule of law for politics. But businessmen and investors enjoy security for doing their work. There is disciplined administration for economic activities.
Nobody can attract business in Bangladesh depending on the ability of the government to provide security and peace. One has to find out the gargantuan loans due to the garment factory owners. The government is thriving financially by selling poor jobless workers abroad who are treated inhumanly because the foreign countries know how good for nothing our foreign missions are.
Politically the government is continuing in power by allowing corruption everywhere. Competence for running the government or creating conditions for investments is no consideration for the ministers. So we must forget foreign or local investment. Plundering is good business and good politics. But that does not make the country decent for decent people to come and do business. Or that jobs will be created for the jobless ones.
It is also no use talking of political leadership. Without free and fair elections we have destroyed politics and political leadership. The elections will be stolen by bureaucratic machinery and we shall be foolish to expect political leadership or politics in the country.
 Our educated people who are part of the state machinery should ask themselves what they have done to the government machinery. It is unworkable and so badly dysfunctional that there is no easy way to save it.
The country’s situation is such that we do not need leadership for helping money making business at the cost of civilised values for a civilised living. Those who have foreign passports are proud and not proud as being holders of Bangladesh passports. Do not blame them. Just to have a country is not a matter of pride if the people cannot build it to live in freedom with dignity. To a true political leader show of police power is no dignity.
 Corruption is the business of characterless ones. In other words by encouraging corruption at every level we have created a reign of disorderly crooks.
We have bureaucrats whose only ambition is to remain in power and make good use of state facilities. They are happy to be VIPs — a privileged class.
The whole system for good politics and competent government has been destroyed. We should be worrying, if not going mad, about whether there is safety for ordinary people to lead normal lives. Chaos and disorder shall engulf the country.
The people are not getting any good actions from the government when the question is of life and death under the infection of the pandemic. The health system is non-existent for those not VIP. But the corrupt elements who have stolen money meant for building the health system have no fear.
We must think first what is required first for building a successful country for which we all can be proud of and we all can contribute. We must have an honest and competent government with competent persons in right places.
We have too big a government doing too little. Tax money is for ensuring good lives for the bureaucracy. For project development we borrow money.
The world sees Bangladesh as an incompetent corrupt country where government means police. Justice means no trial by court proceedings. Justice is arrest by police and remand into police custody.
Why foreigners will come with their money when on mere information he is to be treated dishonourably as a criminal by police. Again blaming police is not the point. The police have been damaged by politicisations.
