Implement 15 measures of health dept: ‘Be alert, don’t be panicked over Omicron variant’


Reza Mahmud :
Omicron, the new variant of Covid-19 has created panic among the people of Bangladesh, while experts asked all to be alert but not to be panicked at it.
The public health experts said the newly identified variant Omicron has been found in different countries across the globe and it may enter Bangladesh any time.
The experts apprehend that the variant may attack the country by March.
They asked the government to take strict precautionary measures for preventing the variant’s entering the country.
Experts said the Omicron variant has something extra capacities including quick spreading capacity.
Some vaccines may not be effective in preventing the variant.
But, the experts said that they have learnt so far that this variant cannot make the patients very sick.
They said, the health authorities from European countries and South Africa, where the Omicron variant found most, said the patients were not rushed to hospitals for taking medical treatment after contracting with the new variant.
They health authorities of those countries said also that the patients need not taking to ICU after finding Omicron variant in their bodies.
The public health experts said, as the variant is quick spreading, so everyone should be aware.
The people should follow health safety measures more strictly right from now, they suggested.
When contacted, Professor Dr. M. Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of the World Health Organisation told The New Nation, “Nothing to be panic. It’s a Corona new variant. We have to maintain the preventing health precautions. Put on mask, keep distance, avoid crowd and wash or sanitize hands.” The professor said also to take two doses of vaccines.
“Early diagnosis and taking medical treatment is mandatory. We can avoid infection and death by early detection and management particularly in senior and co-morbid individuals,” he said.
When contacted, Professor Dr. Be-Nazir Ahmed, former Director of disease control of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare told The New Nation on Thursday, “As the new variant found in neighboring India, it may come to our country soon or later.”
The professor asked the government to take strict measures in all land, maritime and airports to prevent entering the variant.
He thinks the omicron may enter our country after the winter within March.
When contacted, public health expert Dr. Lenin Chowdhury told The New Nation on Thursday, “Nothing to be panicked but everyone must be alert to prevent the new variant.”
The expert expressed anxiety saying the health ministry has outlined 15 points measures to prevent the variant but nothing among those is healed yet which is hazardous.
He asked the government to be serious on implementing the 15 point measures without delaying any moment.
“This variant can enter human body avoiding some vaccines. But several vaccine producers are working to prevent the variant,” Dr. Lenin Chowdhury said.
The new vaccine capable to prevent Omicron infection may be available within three months, he expressed optimism.
