BD HC to UK presents credentials to Queen


Bangladesh High Commissioner to the United Kingdom M Abdul Hannan presented his credentials to the Queen Elizabeth II at the Buckingham Palace.
Hannan joined the London Mission as High Commissioner on September 30, 2014 but submitted his credentials on Wednesday, said a Foreign Ministry media release on Thursday.
Acting Vice Marshal of the Diplomatic corps Francesca Flessati came to the Chancery to take the High Commissioner in a Royal carriage for the credential ceremony at the Buckingham Palace. Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps Alistair Harrison CMG CVO along with other Senior Officials of the Palace and Foreign Office welcomed the High Commissioner at the Grand Entrance of the Buckingham Palace. Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps introduced the High Commissioner and his wife to the Queen and then the High Commissioner formally presented the letter of credence and the Letter of Recall of his predecessor to the Queen.
Abdul Hannan, earlier, served as Bangladesh Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UN Offices in Geneva and Vienna. He also served as Ambassador concurrently accredited to Switzerland and Vatican from Geneva. Before Geneva, he served as Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman.
