Llucrative market price: BARI onion cultivation gains momentum in Bogura

DUPCHANCHIA (Bogura): A farmer is working in his BARI onion field at Shibpur Upazila as the district has achieved success in cultivating the special onion.
DUPCHANCHIA (Bogura): A farmer is working in his BARI onion field at Shibpur Upazila as the district has achieved success in cultivating the special onion.

Dupchanchia (Bogura) Correspondent :
Due to lucrative market price, BARI onion accompanied by Spice Research Centre cultivation is gaining momentum in Bogura from last few years.
With the farming hundreds of extreme poor peasants of all twelve upazilas of the district have become self-reliant as they are getting both fair market price and bumper output.
Meanwhile, BARI onion cultivation has brought revolutionary success amid farmers in all twelve upazilas of the district as Spice Research Centre (SPC) has liberated a total six sorts of BARI onion to boosts high yield.
BARI-1 and BARI-6 onion variety grow well in winter season. On the other hand BARI-2, BARI-3, BARI-4 and BARI-5 variety grow well in summer season. Onion farming accompanied by Spice Research Centre Shibganj under Bogura is expanding across the country as the farmers are getting repeated bumper production and fair market price.
The authority concern of SRC has already developed some 21 liberated varieties of 45 of crops including onion from the recent year. As a result the farmers are getting quality seed easily.
Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) provides liberated seed among the farmer to get fresh output. The authority concern urges for growing different sort of spice negligence imported spice item by any cost.
Besides, the soil and the atmosphere of agri-zone posse huge fertility and suitability for the spice cultivation round the year, said sub-assistance agriculture officer Faridur Rahman.
The farmers have shown more interest to grow the spice in a vast tract as its cultivation is proved them as lucrative and easy. To make the farming a grand success, a monitoring cell by DAE is working among the field levels across the region.
“I have cultivated BARI-2 onion on 13 decimal of land spending Tk 15,000 aiming to be self-reliant,” said farmer Soleman under Shibganj upazila of the district. “If the price remains favourabe till next two months, I would make Tk 60 thousand as profit.” he added.
Principal Scientific Officer of Bangladesh Agriculture Research centre Shibganj Dr Matiar Rahman said the farmers are getting smooth logistic support to grow BARI onion. They are trying more liberated spice variety for the betterment of the farmers, he added.

Onion farmers fear worst after hailstorm in Faridpur
UNB from Faridpur adds: After failing to get fair price for onions in the previous season, farmers in differet upazilas here are dreaming of making up their loss this season thanks to bumper onion yield.
But a 15-minute spell of rainfall coupled with hailstorm on early Tuesday threatened to play havoc with their dream.
Now they are afraid that they might have to incur heavy loss this season too. Besides, other crop fields like lentil and mustard also experienced huge damage due to the hailstorm.
It was learnt that cropfields in more than a hundred villages in the district were damaged during the hailstorm.
 Alamgir Molla, a farmer of Jungurdi village, said he cultivated the spice item on three-and-a-half bighas of land. But the hailstorm destroyed the entire cropfield in early hours of Tuesday, forcing him to incur a Tk 4 lakh loss.
Najir Matubbar, another farmer of Nagarkanda municipality area, said his three bigha crop field was totally destroyed. Some other farmers also came up with the same remarks.
Kartik Chandra Chakrabarti, deputy director of Faridpur Department of Agricultural Extension, said as per primary assesment, the hailstorm has caused substantial damage to around 90 hectares of onion fields in Nagarkanda and Saltha upazila. Apart from these, some lentil and mustard fields were damaged in other upazilas.
