Bangabandhu`s birthday observed


Staff Reporter :
The 98th birthday of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independent and sovereign Bangladesh, was observed on Friday with due respect and honour across the country.
The nation observed the day also as the National Children’s Day as Bangabandhu liked to spend time with children.
The programmes of the day included placing of wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu, holding of Doa Mahfils, offering of fateha, discussions, cultural functions, book fair, voluntary blood donation camps, free medical treatments, painting competitions, screening of documentary films and playing the audio record of Bangabandhu’s historic March 7 Speech.
The day’s programmes started at 6:30 am with hoisting of the national and party flags by the ruling party Awami League.
At 7:00am in the morning, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, placed a wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu on the premises of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi, Road-32 in the city.
Later, she as the President of the ruling Awami League along with party’s senior leaders placed another wreath there paying glowing tributes to Bangabandhu. Members of AL Advisory Council, Cabinet members and Parliamentarians were also present at that time.
After departure of the Prime Minister from Bangabandhu Bhaban, people from all walks of life, particularly leaders, workers of different political parties and socio-cultural-professional bodies, paid glowing tributes to Bangabandhu placing wreaths there.
Besides, leaders of Dhaka City AL, Mahila AL, Jatiya Sramik League, Krishak League, Awami Juba League, Awami Swechchhasebak League, Juba Mahila League, Chhatra League and other organizations also placed wreaths at Bangabandhu Memorial.
At about 10:00 am, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid homage to Bangabandhu by placing wreaths at his mazar on the premises of Bangabandhu Mausoleum Complex at Tungipara in Gopalganj district.
After placing wreaths, the President and the Prime Minister stood there in solemn silence for sometime as a mark of respect to the great leader.
A smartly turned out contingent drawn from Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air Force presented guard of honour on the occasion when last post was played on bugle.
Later, the President and the Prime Minister offered fateha at Bangabandhu’s mazar and took part in the special munajat session organised there seeking eternal peace for the souls of Bangabandhu and those martyrs of the August 15 carnage.
Later, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina attended a children’s rally, book fair and cultural event organised on the premises of Bangabandhu Mausoleum. The premier also visited a photography exhibition on Bangabandhu’s life titled “Khoka Theke Bangabandhu” which was arranged on the mausoleum premises marking the day.
Meanwhile, the Dhaka City AL observed Bangabandhu’s birthday in its Bangabandhu Avenue office.
Besides, Cultural Affairs Ministry, Information Ministry, National Library, Department of Films and Publications and Directorate of Mass Communication screened few documentary films and staged exhibition on Bangabandhu and Liberation War at District and Upazila levels.
Bangladeshi Missions in different countries will also celebrate the day with due respect.
The day was a public holiday. The national dailies published special supplements while Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television and private TV channels and radio stations aired special programmes highlighting the significance of the day.
