Azam J Chowdhury, Chairman of Prime Bank Limited, presiding over its 23rd AGM at the Krishibid Institution in the city on Thursday. The AGM approved 17 percent Stock and Cash Dividend for the year 2017 respectively. Rahel Ahmed, Managing Director, Nasim Anwar Hossain, Vice- Chairperson, Shamsuddin Ahmad Ph.D, Audit Committee Chairman, Dr. GM Khurshid Alam, Risk Management Committee Chairman, others high officials along with a large number of shareholders of the bank were also present.

Azam J Chowdhury, Chairman of Prime Bank Limited, presiding over its 23rd AGM at the Krishibid Institution in the city on Thursday. The AGM approved 17 percent Stock and Cash Dividend for the year 2017 respectively. Rahel Ahmed, Managing Director, Nasim A
Azam J Chowdhury, Chairman of Prime Bank Limited, presiding over its 23rd AGM at the Krishibid Institution in the city on Thursday. The AGM approved 17 percent Stock and Cash Dividend for the year 2017 respectively. Rahel Ahmed, Managing Director, Nasim A

