Auto-rickshaw strike on Nov 29


Chittagong Autorickshaw Sramik Union has called strike on November 29 next across the greater Chittagong to press home their 5-point demands including elimination of police harassment..
 General Secretary of the Sramik Union Harunur Rashid declared it at the workers rally held at Bahaddarhat square on Wednesday .
 The demands are – stoppage of police harassment, daily owners deposit ceiling within Tk.600 , new registration of 4000 autrorickshaws as per declaration of Roads & Bridge ministry, registration of CNG run autorickshaws, specific parking places in city for autorickshaws and issuance of driving license to intending driver on simplified procedures. General Secretary Harunur Rashid presided the meeting. Bangladesh Road Transport Sramik Federastion , Chittagong regional unit President Rabiul Mowla graced the occasion as chief guest.
Central Joint Secretary Md. Solaiman, Organising Secretary Rafiqul Islam attended it as special guests.
