Asif, Nayon DUJA President, Gen Secy


DU Correspondent :
A nine-member executive committee of Dhaka University Journalists’ Association (DUJA) for the tenure of 2017-2018 sessions has been announced on Friday.
Asif Taasin of Dainik Prothom Alo and Mahmudul Hasan Nayon of Dainik Jugantor have been made as the president and general secretary respectively of DUJA.
The other office bearers are-Vice President Mir Arshadul Hoque, Joint Secretary Abdul Hakim Abir, Office Secretary Rayhanul Islam Abir, Treasurer Abdul Karim and executive members are Munir Hossain, Mahdi Al Muhtasim and Dipok Chandro Ray.
Chief Election Commissioner of DUJA 2017-2018 session polls Borhanul Haq Shamrat, former DUJA president and News Editor of News24 channel announced the committee in the morning at DUJA office of Teacher-Student Centre (TSC) in the university.
DUJA President Forhad Uddin and General Secretary Forrukh Mahmud were present on the occasion.
The other two election commissioners are Riadul Karim, senior correspondent of Prothom Alo and former general secretary of DUJA, Mahbub Roni, staff Reporter of The Daily Ittefaq and former President of DUJA.
