All-time record jackfruit production likely in Rangpur region

BSS, Rangpur :
Officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) are expecting an all-time record production of jackfruit in Rangpur agriculture region this season.
“After massive blooming this season, the tender jackfruits are growing superbly amid favourable climatic conditions and frequent rainfalls predicting its bumper production,” said Horticulture Specialist of the DAE at its regional office Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam. He said the farmers cultivated jackfruit on 2,881 hectares of land and produced 64,299 tonnes of the fruit worth over Taka 32 crore in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat districts of the region last season.
“The farmers have cultivated jackfruit on 3,000 hectares of land this time in the region,” he said predicting production of around 70,000 tonnes of the fruit worth Taka 35 crore if the climatic conditions remained favourable during the next two months.
Predicting bumper production of the fruit, Deputy Director of the DAE at its regional office Md Moniruzzaman said huge number of buds appeared in over 90 percent of jackfruit trees and growth of tender fruits is progressing excellent this time.
Moniruzzaman also advised the farmers to take proper care of the growing tender fruits and maintain cleanliness at the root level soil in the orchards and homesteads to prevent attacks by harmful insects like ‘giant mealy bug’ for getting better jackfruit output.
Jackfruit growers Jamal Uddin, Abu Taleb and Mizanur Rahman of villages here said they did not get fair price of jackfruits despite its repeated bumper production during the past few years due to lack of adequate marketing facilities.
They requested the authorities concerned to take early measures for ensuring adequate marketing facilities for fair price of jackfruit in the region.
In the meantime, bigger jackfruit traders and their representatives from Dhaka, Gazipur, Tangail and other places have started communicating with their local agents to purchase the fruit from the major markets in the region.
“We are expecting a bumper production and better business of jackfruit as the fruits are becoming bigger in size following frequent rainfalls this season,” said local jackfruit trader Abdul Jabbar at Mominpur Bazaar under Sadar upazila here.