AL pioneer of militancy, terrorism: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday termed Awami League the pioneer of militancy and terrorism.
“Militant outfit JMB had emerged during Awami League rule. Their (AL) party men carry illegal arms, hurl bombs, and open fire at processions and kill people. And this demonstrates that Awami League is the pioneer of militancy and terrorism,” he said.
Addressing a discussion, the BNP leader also accused the government of carrying out false propaganda involving their party with militancy with a motive to tarnish its image
internationally. “We want to clearly state that there’s no point of hatching conspiracy against BNP to brand it as a militant party. Everyone knows it very well that BNP is liberal, democratic party. We don’t believe in terrorism and militancy,” he said.
Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal arranged the discussion at the Jatiya Press Club, marking BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman’s 50th birthday.
Mentioning various militant acts and bomb attacks committed during AL regime, Fakhrul said no militant was arrested in connection with those heinous incidents.
“Who was militant kingpin Sahiekh Abdur Rahman? He was AL leader Mirza Azam’s brother-in-law. On top it, Ulema League president Katchpuri was involved in the August 21 grenade attack. Mufti Hannan’ s village home is in Gopalganj,” he added.
Fakhrul, the BNP acting secretary general, said Awami League always tries to blame BNP for their misdeeds. “Chhatra League has turned the country’s educational institutions into terrorist dens and they made the Shahjalal University like a war filed. Nearly 50 people were killed in infightings of the ruling party organisations. This situation can’t continue for long as it’ll push the country towards destruction.”