AL out to restore one-party rule: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Describing Awami League as the beneficiary of the 1/11 political changeover, BNP senior leader Abdullah Al Noman on Friday alleged that the party is now trying to restore one-party rule by establishing its unilateral control on politics.
“The country now lacks democracy. Awami League which is the beneficiary of the 1/11 has already snatched people’s all the basic rights. The party is making efforts to establish its unilateral supremacy on politics to restore one-party Baksal rule. But our party wants a democratic government and the good governance,” he said.
Speaking at a human chain programme, the BNP leader further said, “We’re ready to engage in talks for the restoration of democracy. We’ll also wage a movement, if necessary, as we won’t make any compromise on the issue of reinstatement of democracy.”
Jatiya Ganotantrik Mancha arranged the programme demanding the withdrawal of all the ‘false’ cases filed against BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia and senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman.
Noman, a BNP vice chairman, warned that people will foil the government’s all plots to burry democracy by casting their ballots in favour of BNP in the next general election. “Awami League will be thrown into the dustbin of history if people can exercise their voting rights in the next polls as ballot is stronger than bullet.”
He also said the government will neither be able to eliminate BNP nor suppress people with its repressive acts.
The BNP leader urged the government to come to the path of understanding shunning repressive acts to hold a fair and meaningful election under a non-party neutral administration. He also urged the people of all walks of life to get united to restore democracy by establishing a pro-people government through the 11th parliamentary polls.