Al-Arafah to turn into a model Islami Bank


A New Nation Report :
Some twenty years have elapsed since Al-Arafah Islami Bank was launched in 1995 and by now the bank has succeeded in proving its worth as a good bank.
Available statistics show that profit before tax of the bank has increased from Taka 2,852.47 million in 2010 to Taka 4,486.59 million in 2014-an increase of 2.89 per cent in five years. Its deposits have increased from Taka 53,882.96 million in 2010 to 166,851.17 million in 2014-an increase of 18.35 per cent in five years. The bank’s total assets have increased Taka 74,005.01 per million in 2010 to Taka 210,439.01 million in 2014-an increase of 21.53 per cent in five years.
As usual the number of branches and employees of Al-Arafah Islami Bank have been increasing. At the end of 2014, the number of branches and employees of the bank stood at 119 and 2,649 respectively-the branch employee ratio being 1.20 plus.
Under the able guidance of its present Managing Director, Md Habibur Rahman, Al-Arafah Islami Bank is going to turn into a model Islami bank in Bangladesh as wass disclosed by him while talking to this correspondent recently.
M. Habibur Rahman joined Al-Arafah Islami Bank as its Managing Director two-and-a half years ago on the 1st of July 2013 last.
 It is worth mentioning that as a career banker, he has obtained Best Manager award several times. He has obtained training in banking service at home and abroad. On the occasion of different seminars and conferences, he has travelled to twenty countries including the USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, France, Swenty and Norway.
Before joining banking career, Habibur Rahman obtained B.Com (Honours) in 1973 and M.Com in 1974 from Dhaka University.
