AIUB confce on public health

Campus report :
Public Health Department of American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) will organize “AIUB 1st Conference for Young Public Health Professionals” at its premises on 29th and 30th November aimed for ‘Fostering Young Brains intoAction’.
Prof Dr A K Azad Chowdhury, Chairman (State Minister), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC), has given his kind consent to be the chief guest of the opening ceremony and Dr Carmen Z. Lamagna, Vice Chancellor of AIUB will preside over the program.
Renowned national public health professionals and students from different public and private institutions from Bangladesh to attend the conference.
It promises unrivaled opportunities for sharing experiences, dissemination of scientific findings, networking among the broad spectrum of next generation public health experts, and promoting new experiences under the context of Universal Health Coverage.
Around 300 attendees are expected who will come together for two days of networking, professional development and personal growth opportunities.
Pathfinder International, Save the Children, Water Aid, and ORBIS International will be participating in this conference as a partner organization.