AC(Land) beaten up by sand lifters in Rajshahi

Staff Reporter :
The Assistant Commissioner (land) of Rajshahi’s Bagha upazila and three others were injured in an attack allegedly carried out by some sand lifters in a char of the Padma River in the upazila yesterday afternoon.
AC(Land) Imrul Kayes, his car driver Rajib and two officials Polin and Shamsul were given first aid at the

Upazila Health Complex, our Rajshahi Correspondent reports quoting Bagha Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Shahin Reza.
The UNO said, a team led by AC(Land) Imrul Kayes launched a drive at Harirampur point of the river following information that some people were lifting sand illegally there around 12:30pm.
Sensing the presence of the officials, the sand lifters along with some labourers attacked them and beat them up severely, said the UNO.
No one was arrested in this regard till writing the report on Saturday evening.
