Accidents at level crossings


A newly-married couple and eight others of the bridal party were killed when a Dhaka-bound train rammed their microbus at an unmanned level crossing in Sirajganj’s Ullapara upazila on Monday evening. The fatal accident has spoiled unmet dream of the couple. It’s due to utter negligence of the Railway Authorities and callousness the microbus driver. Horrendously, the deadly train dragged the vehicle for about one kilometer until local people intercepted the train. We’ve penned down several times to employ enough guards at all level crossings or install modern sensor system to block the road when train passes. But who cares!
In a similar incident in August 2014, at least 11 people were killed and 60 injured when a train rammed into a bus carrying a bridal party in Jhenaidah. This time, Railway Authorities formed a four-member committee to investigate the matter, but we are doubtful about the completion of investigation, availability of the probe report and implication of its suggestions. According to Bangladesh Railway, there are around a thousand unmanned illegal level crossings across country, mostly constructed by different government bodies. Of them, 85 per cent are in a dangerous state. Even, there is no traffic signal at more than the two thousand railway crossings of the 2,877-kilometre railways.
In future, number of railway crossings may be increased with the increase of the population along the railroads. If it continues, more danger is coming. The latest incident has occurred at a time when BR is facing huge criticism for poor maintenance of its rail tracks and bridges, which stemmed from two major accidents in less than a month. We think shutting the rail crossings and making underpasses or overpasses at the level crossings could be the possible solutions. Until it is not been possible, constructing gates and appointing guards could be the preemptive solutions. The Railway Authorities should take responsibility for the accidents at unmanned level crossing across the country.
