5-day CTO forum begins on Sept 30 in city

Business Desk :
Five-day Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) Council Meeting, and ICT and Telecommunications Forum is set to begin here on September 30 with the theme “Towards a Digital Commonwealth”.
Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar is scheduled to inaugurate the 59th edition of the CTO council meeting and annual forum in a city hotel, said a BTRC press release.
Dhaka is going to host the highest event of the CTO for the second time where 250-300 delegations from different commonwealth countries, including telecommunication and information technology ministers, high officials of government, regulatory body chiefs, representative of private organisations and telecom and ICT experts are expecting to participate.
The CTO Forum is a very import and highest policy formulating platform for the government, regulators and stakeholders especially for different operators in the Commonwealth Countries.
This edition of the CTO Forum will focus on broadband connectivity for digital transformation, nature of global service fund, over the top, spectrum neutrality and its impact, cyber security, data protection policy, block chain and global facilities, spectrum management, young generation in information technology and a few other issues.
In the opening ceremony, CTO Chairman Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum and International Telecommunication Union Deputy Secretary General Malcom Johnson will deliver speech.