5.39 lakh rural people receive legal services in Rajshahi Division

BSS, Rajshah :
More than 5.39 lakh people mostly women have received legal services free of cost in 11 upazilas under seven districts in Rajshahi division during the last four years ending December last.
With this initiatives, the beneficiaries became aware about their legal and human rights that helped them having confidence in getting the legal services whenever and wherever they need.
The activities also contributed to activating the function of village courts to some extent. Light House under its ‘Improved Justice and Legal Aid Services (IJLAS) project’ provided the legal support under the Community Legal Services (CLS) programme funded by UKAID through Maxwell Stamp-PLC.
The project is being implemented with the main thrust of improving access to justice and existing legal service procedure for un-served population including the remotest ones like ethnic minorities. These were revealed at a view-sharing meeting with journalists held at Light House Project office in Rajshahi yesterday.
Executive chief of Light House Harun-Or-Rashid addressed the meeting as focal person highlighting the project activities and progress elaborately.
IJLAS Project Coordinator Abdul Bari, Project Officers Siddiqul Alam Mamun and Rashida Khatun and Upazila Coordinators Imdad Ali and Sanowar Hossain also spoke.
It was told at the press conference that 9228 complaints were received and 6358 of those were referred to village courts and arbitration council.
Besides, 1405 other cases were referred to district legal aid committee and other organizations. Of those, 6030 were disposed of peacefully.
With this breakthrough, the beneficiaries received around Taka 72.56 lakh as compensation. The project attained success in establishing linkages among other government and non-government organizations concerned for better service delivery. Through the project interventions, village courts and arbitration councils are becoming functional and sitting regularly.
Good governance imperative for poverty-free country
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, MP, has said good governance is very important for establishing poverty and hunger-free Bangladesh.
He viewed cherished development of the country isn’t possible without establishing good governance everywhere in the society.
He was addressing the inaugural session of a two-day international conference titled “Governance and Development: Asian Perspective” at senate building of Rajshahi University (RU) here yesterday as chief guest.
RU’s Department of Public Administration organized the conference in association with Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project.
RU Vice-chancellor Prof Md Mijanuddin and Pro-VC Prof Chowddhury Sarwar Jahan spoke as special guests with chairman of the department Dr Parvez Azharul Haque in the chair. Associate Professor Nurul Momen welcomed the participants.
Prof Ramesh K Arora from Rajasthan University in India illustrated various aspects of establishing good governance during his keynote presentation.
Shahriar Alam says the present government has attained significant success in achieving millennium development goals and it has now been working relentlessly to achieve the sustainable goals by 2030. The state minister said there is no alternative to Awami League government for overall improvement of the country.
Shahriar Alam said, “We’ve already stepped into the stair of a lower middle-income country from the lower-income nation. Bangladesh doesn’t want to stay at the lower ladder… it wants to climb to the peak and we will do whatever necessary for that.”