30 families of Mirpur building limit their movement


Staff Reporter: Death of a 73 year old neighbour from coronavirus left 30 families of a building in Mirpur in to limited movement.
“The family of the death person went under self-quarantine while the rest of the residents of the building have limited their movement as they willingly want to save themselves and prevent spread of the virus,” said Mostaq Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner of (Mirpur Division) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
“In case of any necessary, the residents of the building have sought help from police and we are assisting them,” the police official said.
For the sake of contain spread of the virus; the residents of the building agreed to limit their movement, he added.
“The families said us that they would not go out without any valid reason. If necessary, only one member would go out with adequate safety measures and return home quickly,” he said.
