25.74 lakh people are working in RMG sector, Monnujan tells JS

BSS, Dhaka :
State Minister for Labour and Employment Begum Monnujan Sufian yesterday informed the House that around 25.74 lakh workers are currently working in the country’s readymade garments (RMG) sector.
“A total of 25,74,498 workers are currently working in the country’s RMG sector. Of them, 12,60,961 are male while
13,13,537 are female,” she said while replying a tabled question placed by treasury bench lawmaker Mahmud Us Samad Chowdhury (Sylhet-3) in the Jatiya Sangsad here.
Apart from the RMG workers, Monnujan said a total of 31,23,370 labourers are working in other factories or institutions of the country.
Of them, 23,90222 are male while 7,33,148 are female, she added.
The state minister said an online trade union registration system has been introduced in the country aiming to ensure the rights.