1st rain of monsoon brings relief to city dwellers

Staff Reporter :
Battling extreme heat for couple of weeks people heaved a sigh of relief as light rainfall accompanied by thunderstorm swept different parts of the capital on Saturday.
On the first day of Bangla month of Ashar , the city dwellers welcomed the rain considering it as blessings for them.
Kamal Uddin, a rickshaw puller, told The New Nation, “I have prayed for rain as I could not work properly owing to heat wave. I feel very well now after rain.”
Rashid Hossain, a businessman, said, “I came out of home for two day last
week. My car became hot even after using air conditioner. Now I feel comfort.”
With heat wave continuing across the country, the masses, particularly lower income people, sufered sweltering temperature. The people did not leave their homes unless there was an emergency for many days.
Due to the heat wave, a good number of dirrhoea patients were admitted to icddr,b and other hospitals in the city as well as across the country.
The Bangladesh Meteorological Department forecast that light to moderate rain and thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at different places, including the capital, across the country
It forecast rains in most places of Chattogram and Sylhet divisions, at fewer places in Rangpur, Dhaka, Mymensingh and Barishal divisions, and at one or two places over Khulna and Rajshahi.
The Met office also said mild to moderate heat wave has been sweeping over Rajshahi, Rangpur and Khulna divisions and it may abate at some places.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigoshthi, one of the leading cultural organisations of the country, arranged a programme on the Bangla Academy premises to mark the first day of monsoon on Saturday.
Dressed in the classic monsoon colours of blue and white, performers enthralled the audience.